101 research outputs found

    Zeolite Usage for Interventions in Accidental Polutions by Mine Waters in Maramureş County

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    This study presents the results obtained using natural zeolites for retaining heavy metals from the Maramureş rivers affected by the mining activities. Natural zeolites from the north-west Transylvania have been tested, i.e. zeolite from Călineşti-Maramureş and two sorts of zeolites manufactured by SC Zeolitos SRL Oradea. Natural zeolites represint a technical and economical alternative to ion-exchange synthetic resins and classical waste water technologies. Heavy-metal containing waters from Cisla, Burloaia, Cavnic, Săsar, Buşag and Ilba rivers have been used. Metal concentrations of untreated vs. treated samples have been determined for the zeolites containing clinoptilolite. The adsorbtion of metals (Mn, Cu, Zn) during a 24h period has been studied for various zeolites

    Particularitățile proceselor regenerative în reconstrucția defectelor diafragmatice cu alogrefe decelularizate de pericard porcin în model experimental

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    Actualmente se depun eforturi considerabile în elaborarea unor materiale biologice decelularizate ca alternativă de corecție chirurgicală a defectelor diafragmatice. Scopul acestui studiu a fost evaluarea eficienței, siguranței și particularităților proceselor de regenerare și remodelare tisulară ale alogrefelor decelularizate de pericard porcin crioprezervate, utilizate în reconstrucția defectelor diafragmatice, create chirurgical în model experimental la porci. Lotul de studiu a inclus 6 purcei cu greutatea de 10 kg, supuși laparotomiei subcostale stângi cu reconstrucția defectului diafragmatic, creat chirurgical, cu grefe decelularizate de pericard porcin (lotul 1 - 3 animale) și peritoneu porcin (lotul 2 - 3 animale). Exameul radilogic efectuat în loul 1 la 15 zile postoperator a stabilit o configurație normală a neohemidiafragmului creat, la a 60 zi postoperator fiind documentată eventrația nesemnificativă a neohemidiafragmului. În lotul 2 la a 15 zi postoperator a fost observată o eventrație neînsemnată a neohemidiafragmului, ulterior, ambele animale acestui lot decedînd subit la a 54 și a 60 zi postoperator din cauza dehiscenței grefei. În lotul I au fost observate zone cu o fibrilogeneză atipică (malformativă) care se evidențiau printr-un aspect multichistic sau lacunarcavitar, cu suprafețe interne tapetate cu epiteliu mezotelial peritoneal unistratificat aplatizat fără aspecte de activitate mitotică. Formațiunea cavitar-chistică putea fi și o pseudotumoră chistică cu septuri mai subțiri, cu o carcasă redusă din fibre de colagen. La animalele lotului 2 în ambele cazuri s-a constatat un hemidiafragm cu defect persistent determinat de reabsorbția parțială a materialului biologic, necătînd că putea fi observat și zone de țesut neoformat. Așadar, grefele decelularizate de peritoneu porcin utilizate în reconstrucția chirurgicală a diafragmului sunt caracterizate de o biorezistență redusă, care poate contribui la reabsorbția parțială a acestui material biologic cu dezvoltarea unor complicații grave. Grefele decelularizate de pericard au o biorezistență acceptabilă comparativ cu cele de peritoneu porcin, aceste date sugend necesitatea unor studii suplimentare pe termen lung, care ar avea ca scop obținerea unor rezultate mai durabile.Considerable efforts are currently underway in the development of decellularized biologic materials as an alternative to surgical correction of diaphragmatic defects. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficiency, safety and particularities of tissue regeneration and remodeling processes of allograft decellularized cryopreserved porcine pericardium, used in the reconstruction of diaphragmatic defects, surgically created in experimental model in pigs. The study group included 6 pigs weighing 10 kg, subjected to left subcostal laparotomy with surgical reconstruction of diaphragmatic defect, with decellularized grafts of porcine pericardium (1-3 animals) and porcine peritoneum (group 2- 3 animals). The radilogic examination performed in group 1 at 15 days postoperatively a normal configuration of the neohemidiaphragm created, at 60 postoperative day being documented the insignificant eventration of neohemidiaphragm. In group 2 to 15 postoperatively, a slight incidence of neohemidiaphragm was observed, after which both animals of this group died suddenly at 54 and 60 days postoperatively due to graft dehiscence. In 2 cases areas with atypical (malformative) fibrillogenesis were observed, which were evidenced by a multicystic or lacunar-cavity aspect, with internal surfaces covered with unistratified peritoneal mesothelial epithelium flattened without aspects of mitotic activity. The mesothelial cavity-cystic aspect has also been shown on border, in some cavities being present fibro-epithelial conjunctival micro-polyps. The cavity-cyst formation could also be a cystic pseudotumor with thinner septa, with a reduced collagen fiber housing. In the animals of lot 2, in both cases, there was a hemidiaphragm with persistent defect determined by the partial reabsorption of the biological material, although neoformed tissue areas could be observed. Therefore, decellularized porcine peritoneum grafts used in surgical reconstruction of the diaphragm are characterized by a low bioresistence which can contribute to the partial reabsorption of this biological material with the development of serious complications. Decellularized grafts of porcine pericardium have an acceptable bioresistence compared to porcine peritoneum, and this data suggests the need for further long-term studies that would seek to achieve more sustainable outcomes

    Cтволовые клетки в стоматологии будущего

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    Tooth loss compromises human oral health. Although several prosthetic methods (such as artificial denture and dental implants) are clinical therapies to tooth loss problems, they are thought to have safety and usage-time issues. Recently, tooth tissue engineering has attracted more and more attention. Stem cell based tissue engineering is thought to be a promising way to replace the missing tooth. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) are multipotent stem cells which can differentiate into a variety of cell types. The potential MSC for tooth regeneration mainly include stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth, adult dental pulp stem cells, stem cells from the apical part of the papilla, stem cells from the dental follicle, periodontal ligament stem cells and bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells. This review outlines the recent progress in mesenchymal stem cell research and its use in tooth regeneration and oral and craniofacial applications.Потеря зубов ставит под угрозу человеческое здоровье. Ткани зуба у взрослых практически не способны к самостоятельной регенерации и дефект эмали, возникающий в результате действия повреждающих факторов, постепенно приводит к потере зуба. Без сомнения, современные технологии протезирования позволяют произвести реконструкцию даже при полном отсутствии зубов. Однако прогресс современной органотипической регенеративной медицины заставляет исследователей искать новые технологии замещения зубов естественными трансплантатами. Последнее время клеточная инженерия тканей зуба привлекает все больше и больше внимания. Стволовые клетки являются многообещающим способом замены недостающего зуба. Мезенхимальные стволовые клетки способны дифференцироваться в клетки костной ткани, что дает возможность использовать их для восстановления зуба. Этот обзор рассматривает современные исследования стволовых клеток и возможность их использования для стимуляции репаративной регенерации тканей зуба

    Characteristics of histomorphopathological changes in regional tissues in gastroschisis in newborns

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    Laboratorul de infecții chirurgicale la copii, Catedra chirurgie operatorie și anatomie topografică, USMF ,,Nicolae Testemițanu”, Chișinău, Republica Moldova,Conferința stiințifică „Nicolae Anestiadi – nume etern al chirurgiei basarabene” consacrată centenarului de la nașterea profesorului Nicolae Anestiadi 26 august 2016Introducere. Prioritar în gastroschisis îl reprezintă reducerea primară a defectului și închiderea lui unimomentană. Această strategie chirurgicală se asociază cu diverse complicații grave care determină evoluția nefavorabilă a bolii. Scopul studiului. Consta în evaluarea gravității modificărilor morfopatologice ale țesuturilor din regiunea defectului congenital al peretelui abdominal la nou-născuții cu gastroschizis. Rezultate. Investigațiilor histomorfopatologice, completate cu cele obținute prin metoda imunohistochimică aplicată în 20 de cazuri, au permis identificarea unei game largi de modificări structurale vicioase, de origine displazică şi inflamatoare, dezvoltate la diverse termene de gestație. Microanatomic, la marginea zonei defectului musculofascial al peretelui abdominal, localizat în toate cazurile analizate în dreapta cordonului ombilical, a fost atestată prezenţa unui inel de pliu conjunctiv lax şi/sau fibros, dotat cu o reţea arterio-venoasă, alcătuită din capilare şi vase de calibru mic. Spre abdomenul regional, pe traiectul reţelei vasculare, în aria ţesutului muscular abdominal se dispersează fâşii sau platouri conjunctive care trec lent în fasciile intramusculare sau direct în tecile conjunctive musculare, unele cu aspect cicatricial. Astfel, la acest nivel se formează puncte de trecere dintre două tipuri de structuri tisulare, cu prezenţa componentelor vasculo-musculare şi a fasciculelor tronculare nervoase. Concluzie. Modificările regionale în gastroschisis la nou-născuți sunt dominate de neconcordanţa marcantă în maturizarea elementelor musculofasciale și ganglioneuronale, indiferent de termenul de gestaţie, asociată cu aranjamentul dezordonat al miocitelor şi al fasciculelor musculare, cu dereglări ale intensității de expresie imunohistochimică a structurilor neuronale, fapt ce denotă prezenţa unor dereglări funcţionale neuromusculare atât în preajma defectului, cât şi la distanţă.Introduction. To reduce the primary defect in gastroschisis and to close it immediately. This surgical strategy is associated with various severe complications which cause an unfavorable evolution of the disease. Purpose. To assess the severity of morphopathological changes in the tissues of the congenital abdominal wall defect region in neonates with gastroschisis. Results. The results of histomorphopathological investigation and those of immunohistochemical method applied in 20 cases allowed to identify a wide range of vicious dysplastic and inflammatory structural changes, developed at different gestational periods. Microanatomically, on the edge of the musculofascial defect of the abdominal wall, located in all cases analyzed in the right side of the umbilical cord, there was attested the presence of a ring of connective lax and/or fibrous fold, supplied with an arterio-venous network, made up of capillaries and small blood vessels. Toward the regional abdomen, on the vasculature path in the area of theabdominal muscle tissue, connective strips or plates are slowly dispersed passing into intramuscular fascia or directly into the connective muscle sheaths, some of them looking as scars. Thus, at this level some crossings between the two types of tissue structures are formed, with the presence of vascular-muscular components and truncal nerve bundles. Conclusion. Regional changes in gastroschisis in newborns are dominated by marked inconsistency in the maturation of musculofascial and ganglioneuronal elements, regardless of the gestational age associated with the disordered arrangement of myocytes and muscular fascicles ,with disorders of the intensity of immunohistochemical expression of neural structures. This fact denotes the presence of some functional neuromuscular disorders both around the defect and away from it

    Morphopathological aspects in uncomplicated omphalocele in infants

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    Laboratorul de infecții chirurgicale la copii, Catedra chirurgie operatorie și anatomie topografică, USMF ,,Nicolae Testemițanu”, Chișinău, Republica Moldova, Conferința stiințifică „Nicolae Anestiadi – nume etern al chirurgiei basarabene” consacrată centenarului de la nașterea profesorului Nicolae Anestiadi 26 august 2016Introducere. În pofida faptului că strategiile de corecţie chirurgicală a defectelor congenitale ale peretelui abdominal au evoluat considerabil, prognosticul acestor malformaţii rămâne sever. Scopul. Estimarea proceselor reparatorii în omfalocelul necomplicat de diferite dimensiuni la nou-născuți. Materiale și metode. Lotul de studiu a inclus 18 nou-născuți cu omfalocel: vârsta gestaţională 37-40 săptămâni, masa ponderală 2850-3780 g, scorul Apgar 7-8, diametrul omfalocelului între 3,5 cm şi 7,5 cm. Rezultate. În peretele omfalocelului, în regiunea limitrofă cu structurile tisulare abdominale, la 1,5-3 cm de la bolta omfalocelului, au fost depistate structuri mozaice asemănătoare arhitectural cu cele ale peretelui abdominal. Indiferent de volumul omfalocelului, microarhitectural, pe toată suprafaţa internă a acestuia era prezent mezoteliul, care forma, spre periferie, un strat de ţesut conjunctiv lax bogat vascularizat, urmat de un strat comparativ mai dens fascicular fibromuscular, cu predilecţie de origine conjunctivă fibrilară sau fasciculară. Spre periferie, componenta gelatinoasă putea fi circumscrisă, în divers raport, de elemente celulare fibrocitar-fibroblastice, printre care puteau fi întâlnite capilare mici şi angioblaste. La exterior a fost depistat un strat epitelial pavimentos scuamos, care spre apexul omfalocelului involua într-un strat pluristratificat sau unistratificat de amniocite, în unele cazuri fiind observate degenerescenţe alterative şi hidropice. Concluzii. Așadar, în cazurile de omfalocel necomplicat de dimensiuni majore, cu disproporție visceroabdominală semnificativă, este justificată conduita conservativă întrucât, ținând cont de structura arhitecturală a sacului, există condiții favorabile pentru procesele reparative cu epitelizarea treptată a sacului și transformarea lui în hernie ventrală, ceea ce a favorizat rata scăzută a letalității în lotul studiat.Despite the fact that strategies of surgical correction of the congenital abdominal wall defects have evolved considerably, the prognosis of these malformations is severe. The purpose of the study was to estimate restorative processes in various sized uncomplicated omphalocele in newborns.The study group included 18 newborns with omphalocele: gestational age -37-40 weeks, weight -2850-3780 g, Apgar score 7-8, omphalocele diameter between 3.5 cm and 7.5 cm. There were discovered some mosaic structures in the omphalocele wall, in the surrounding region of the abdominal tissue structures, 1.5-3 cm from the omphalocele vault. Architecturally, they were similar to those of the abdominal wall. Irrespective of the omphalocele volume, microarchitecturally, the mesothelium was present on its entire inner surface, forming a layer of richly vascularized and lax connective tissue towards the periphery, followed by a comparatively denser fascicular fibromuscular layer, predominantly being connective fibrillar or fascicular. The gelatinous component could be circumscribed, in various ratio, towards the periphery, by fibrocyte-fibroblast cellular elements, among which small capillaries and angioblasts could be seen. On the outside a pavement-like squamous epithelial layer was found, which, towards the omphalocele apex, devolved into a multistratified or unistratified layer of amniocytes. In some cases alterative and hydropic degeneration was observed. Thus, in cases of oversized uncomplicated omphalocele with significant visceroabdominal disproportion, the conservative approach is justified, whereas, considering the architectural structure of the sack, there are favorable conditions for reparative processes with gradual epithelialization of the sack and its transformation into a ventral hernia, which favored a low rate of lethality in the studied group

    Targeted Assembly of Short Sequence Reads

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    As next-generation sequence (NGS) production continues to increase, analysis is becoming a significant bottleneck. However, in situations where information is required only for specific sequence variants, it is not necessary to assemble or align whole genome data sets in their entirety. Rather, NGS data sets can be mined for the presence of sequence variants of interest by localized assembly, which is a faster, easier, and more accurate approach. We present TASR, a streamlined assembler that interrogates very large NGS data sets for the presence of specific variants, by only considering reads within the sequence space of input target sequences provided by the user. The NGS data set is searched for reads with an exact match to all possible short words within the target sequence, and these reads are then assembled strin-gently to generate a consensus of the target and flanking sequence. Typically, variants of a particular locus are provided as different target sequences, and the presence of the variant in the data set being interrogated is revealed by a successful assembly outcome. However, TASR can also be used to find unknown sequences that flank a given target. We demonstrate that TASR has utility in finding or confirming ge-nomic mutations, polymorphism, fusion and integration events. Targeted assembly is a powerful method for interrogating large data sets for the presence of sequence variants of interest. TASR is a fast, flexible and easy to use tool for targeted assembly

    The importance of local immunostimulation in complex treatment of chronic tonsillitis in children

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    Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Nicolae Testemitsanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Laboratory of Immunology and Allergology, Chiril Draganiuc Institute of Phtisiopulmonology, Laboratory of Tissue Engineering and Cells Cultures, Chisinau, the Republic of MoldovaBackground: Chronic respiratory infections affect the particularitation of general immune system, impaired local immunity and increased frequency of allergic diseases. The methods used in the treatment of chronic tonsillitis are not effective enough and now it is required developing new diagnostic criteria and reasonable tactics complex conservative therapy. Modern methods of treatment of chronic tonsillitis are oriented to normalization of general immune status of the body, restoring the function of drainage gaps tonsil, hypo-sensitization, and decreased symptoms of local inflammation. Material and methods: The children with compensated chronic tonsillitis were divided into two groups: 26 patients (1-st group) were subjected to therapeutic traditional treatment and immunomodulatory local treatment with application of activated mononuclear autocells and 26 patients (2-nd group), that have been treated by traditional therapeutic method. All patients were tested: the functional activity of neutrophils in nitro-blue tetrazolium test (NBT); the content of phagocytic neutrophils and their phagocytic activity; total hemolytic activity of the complement; normal antibody titer, lymphocyte subpopulations were determinated by immunofluorescence using monoclonal antibodies reaction; the level of immunoglobulins; the content of circulating immune complexes; ASL-O rheumatoid factor; reactive protein – C; blast transformation reaction of lymphocytes with phytohaemaglutinin. The smear was taken from the patients and the bacterial flora and its susceptibility to antibiotics before and after the conservative treatment was investigated. Results: After treatment, in 1-st group comparativly 2-nd group, was appreciated a more pronounced decrease in the levels of indexes CIC, IgE, CD-4/CD-8 antigens streptococcus sensitivity and a greater increase of phagocytic activity and the number of neutrophils, the functional activity of T-lymphocytes. Conclusions: Thanks to investigations of preimmune reactivity and immunological changes in the body in case of compensated chronic tonsillitis in children was appreciated the effectiveness of conservative treatment with topical application of complex activated mononuclear autolimfocite that has a positive effect with clinical and immunological high level

    Ice Formations Monitoring and intervention on the rivers in Romania in January-February 2017

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    This article presents ice monitoring and intervention on the rivers in Romania in January-February, 2017. After a long period in January with very low temperatures, there were positive temperatures with significant rainfall in the first decade, causing ice flows followed by ice jams and floods. In order to reduce the damage done by overflowing rivers ”Romanian Waters” National Administration employees from Alba, Bistrița-Năsăud, Brașov, Covasna, Harghita, Maramureș, Mureș and Suceava counties participated in the operation. Pyrotechnics teams from County Inspectorate for Emergency Situations intervened in the following counties: Alba, Bistrița-Năsăud, Maramureș, Mureș, Suceava and Vâlcea counties. There has been reported damages in Alba, Bistriţa-Năsăud, Botoşani, Harghita, Hunedoara, Iaşi, Maramureş, Mureş and Suceava. The most affected county was Bistriţa-Năsăud, the most pyrotechnical interventions occurred in Suceava. The intervention with special pyrotechnical equipment makes damage insignificant as it happened in Braşov, Covasna and Vâlcea counties

    Comparison of genetic association strategies in the presence of rare alleles

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    In the quest for the missing heritability of most complex diseases, rare variants have received increased attention. Advances in large-scale sequencing have led to a shift from the common disease/common variant hypothesis to the common disease/rare variant hypothesis or have at least reopened the debate about the relevance and importance of rare variants for gene discoveries. The investigation of modeling and testing approaches to identify significant disease/rare variant associations is in full motion. New methods to better deal with parameter estimation instabilities, convergence problems, or multiple testing corrections in the presence of rare variants or effect modifiers of rare variants are in their infancy. Using a recently developed semiparametric strategy to detect causal variants, we investigate the performance of the model-based multifactor dimensionality reduction (MB-MDR) technique in terms of power and family-wise error rate (FWER) control in the presence of rare variants, using population-based and family-based data (FAM-MDR). We compare family-based results obtained from MB-MDR analyses to screening findings from a quantitative trait Pedigree-based association test (PBAT). Population-based data were further examined using penalized regression models. We restrict attention to all available single-nucleotide polymorphisms on chromosome 4 and consider Q1 as the outcome of interest. The considered family-based methods identified marker C4S4935 in the VEGFC gene with estimated power not exceeding 0.35 (FAM-MDR), when FWER was kept under control. The considered population-based methods gave rise to highly inflated FWERs (up to 90% for PBAT screening)

    Dissect: detection and characterization of novel structural alterations in transcribed sequences

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    Motivation: Computational identification of genomic structural variants via high-throughput sequencing is an important problem for which a number of highly sophisticated solutions have been recently developed. With the advent of high-throughput transcriptome sequencing (RNA-Seq), the problem of identifying structural alterations in the transcriptome is now attracting significant attention